
We help out our clients who are mostly foreigners to source out their requirement which is always Indian-made products and help them to engage the manufacturers/producer in open communication until the transaction becomes successful.

Shanmi Enterprises specializes in sourcing and acquiring goods of India-made products from manufacturers, producers, and suppliers in India and across the country. We provide a vital service to our clients who are looking to expand their operations in international markets. As we partner with international goods procurement companies, our clients can access a wider range of suppliers, negotiate better prices, and streamline their procurement processes.

As you are aware the procurement process can be complex, particularly when dealing with suppliers located in different countries. We have a deep understanding of the regulatory environment in different countries, as well as the logistics and transportation infrastructure needed to move goods across borders. We also have a comprehensive understanding of the products being sourced, including their quality, specifications, and manufacturing processes.


Shanmi Enterprises can leverage our continued and existing relationships with suppliers to negotiate better prices on behalf of their clients. This is particularly important when dealing with suppliers in emerging markets, where there may be significant disparities in pricing and quality standards. By using our expertise and knowledge of the local market, we can help our clients to find the best suppliers at the most competitive prices.

Another key advantage of working with Shanmi Enterprises is that it allows our clients to scale their operations quickly and efficiently. By outsourcing procurement to a trusted partner, our clients can expand into new markets without having to invest in their own procurement infrastructure. This can be particularly beneficial for small and medium-sized companies which may not have the resources to establish their own procurement departments.

Shanmi Enterprises provide a vital service to clients looking to expand their operations in international markets. By leveraging Our expertise and relationships with manufacturers, producers, and suppliers. We can help our clients to find the best products at the most competitive prices. We also provide a range of value-added services, including quality control and logistics management, to help ensure that products are delivered on time and to the required standards. We can help our clients streamline their operations, reduce costs, and scale their operations quickly and efficiently.